Audience program and work with the public

The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI) and its subordinate institutions carry out their activity and work with the public in compliance with all the necessary conditions for physical distancing and disinfection of public spaces and workplaces, in order to protect the health of citizens and employees.

ANCPI and its subordinate institutions have taken the necessary measures for the safe and efficient functioning. Thus, the public access in the institutions is made in compliance with safe physical distancing and marking the routes of entry and exit the building. In addition, public access in the buildings is allowed in accordance with the regulations established for this purpose.

We further recommend electronic communication, where possible. Authorized natural and legal persons, notaries and other categories of persons having access to ANCPI’s IT applications will continue to use the online services.

Citizens may register for audiences according to the audience schedule and they also have the following telephone and fax numbers available:

Phone: 021.317.31.62 / 021.317.73.39

Fax: 021.316.52.24

Day Hour Directorate The person granting the audience Place
Wednesday 15:00 President - Director General Laurențiu-Alexandru BLAGA NACLR
Tuesday 15:00 Deputy General Director Mircea Viorel Popa NACLR
Monday 15:00 Deputy General Director Adriana Tudosoiu NACLR
Thursday 12:00 – 14:00 Control Body and Protection of Classified Information Directorate Ancuța Cociș NACLR
Friday 12:00 Economic Directorate Monica Clepșa NACLR
Cadastre and Geodesy Directorate
Ioan Buzaș
Land Registration Directorate
Legal Directorate
Cezara Simirea
Florentina Pencea
Wednesday 14:00 Systematic Registration Directorate Rusalin Mureșan NACLR
Tuesday 13:00 – 15:00 Project Management Directorate Cătălina Duță NACLR

The requests for audience are made at least one day before the requested day

The audiences are granted on the basis of motivated and previously approved audience requests (the forms can be found at the Department for Relation with the Public, Floor 4, Room 33)

Audience Request Form

Operating schedule of ANCPI:

de luni pana joi, intre orele 8:30 – 16:30

Friday: 8:30 – 14:30


 Department for Relation with the Public

- 4th floor, room 19, 32, 33

- 2nd floor, room 25, 27


Registry (1st floor, room 11)


LUNI, MARȚI, MIERCURI, JOI  –  8:30 – 16:30

VINERI  –  8:30 – 14:30

Procedure regarding the organization of the activity concerning receiving, registration of requests for audience and of scheduling of audience meetings at the level of the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration

The Department for Relation with the Public (SRP) performs activities concerning receiving and registering of the applications for audience granting addressed to the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration. In order to streamline the activity of granting audience and eliminating the bureaucracy that may intervene in this process, the following steps will be taken: To streamline the granting of audience and eliminate bureaucracy that may intervene in this process, it will go through the following steps:

  • In ANCPI audience are granted by those in leadership positions within specialised departments or support ones in relation to the subject of applications or by their mandated representatives, according to the approved schedule for audience;
  • The audience is granted based on a motivated request, approved in advance by the persons holding management positions within the specialized departments, depending on the object of the requests, or by their mandated representatives;
  • Applications for the audience addresed to the ANCPI management can be formulated solely in petitioner own name;
  • As an exception, applications submitted through a representative are also accepted, but the latter must present proof of his capacity as empowered person (legal delegation, notary power of attorney etc.);
  • The applications for audience addressed to the ANCPI management are registered by SRP in the Register of persons who have been granted audience at the level of the institution;
  • Applications for audience addressed to ANCPI may be submitted in person, at the headquarters of the institution or sent by any means of communication that provide confirmation of receipt (e-mail, fax);
  • In the event that the means of transmission mentioned above can not be used, applications for audience may be formulated by phone;
  • Regardless of the method used, the submission of audience requests should take place at least one working day before the date on which the audience is requested, according to the schedule of audience approved at the level of ANCPI;
  • The date of granting of the audience is set by the management of the department in charge for its settlement, but it should not exceed 30 days from the date of registration of the application in the records of ANCPI;
  • For objective reasons related to the organization of the activity or in the situation where the issues notified in the content of the application for audience require a more detailed investigation, the head of the department to whom the request was addressed may extend the 30-days interval for scheduling the audience by other 15 days;
  • In compliance with the deadlines mentioned in the previous paragraph, for reasons related to the proper conduct of the activity of the department referred to in the request for audience or to the time interval in which the audience should take place, a maximum of 5 people will be granted an audience within one audience day;
  • Generally, the scheduling of audience shall be carried in compliance with the chronology of audience requests’ records, except for the situations that require an urgent solution for the issues presented in their content. These latter cases will be established by the persons holding management positions within the specialized/ support departments depending, on the object of the requests, or by their mandated representatives;
  • The ANCPI audience register is maintained and kept by SRP;
  • Each compartment will keep its own register for the audience they are granting;
  • The registers for audience kept at the level of SRP or at the level of other compartments (Annex 3), will be registered in advance in the unique Register of ANCPI, kept at the registry of the institution;
  • At the level of the SRP and of the independent directorates / services of ANCPI, there shall be appointed responsible persons who will ensure that the provisions of this procedure regarding the circulation and the registration of the audience requests formulated by the petitioners and of the audience sheets completed on the occasion of granting the audience will be observed.
  • The persons requesting granting of an audience by telephone will convey all the necessary data to the SRP staff who will fill in an application mentioning the object of the request, which will be signed by the petitioner on the date he is granted the audience;
  •  Persons who, during the audience wish to point out aspects related to the current activity of the offices of cadastre and land registration or aspects for which the competence to solve them belongs to those offices, will be able to request to be granted an audience by ANCPI management, only when they are dissatisfied with the solutions proposed by the management of the territorial offices during the audience they have been granted;
  • After registration, and depending on the specific reasons invoked, applications for audience will be submitted by SRP staff based on signature to the designated person within the departments or independent services of ANCPI, who will proceed to register them in their own register;
  • After their registration in their own register, the applications will be forwarded for analysis to the persons holding management position within the departments concerned or to their mandated representatives, who will decide on their admissibility;
  • Audience applications submitted to the compartments where the audience requested by the petitioners are granted will be kept and archived, in copy, by SRP;
  • For the analyzed and approved requests, the designated person from the respective departments / services will notify the petitioner regarding the date of granting the audience;
  • The same procedure will be followed in the case of applications that have not received approval, the petitioner being informed of the reasons underlying the rejection of his application;
  • In the event that during a period of 10 working days from the registration of the audience request, the designated person within the direction / service granting the audience cannot contact the audience requester at the telephone number indicated in the audience request, he/she will return the request to SRP. which will state the date and time they tried to make the appointment. In these cases, the request for an audience will be closed, and for its rescheduling the applicant will submit a new request;
  • The persons who have submitted requests by telephone or in person requesting the solving of problems that are not within the competence of ANCPI will be advised and directed by SRP to the institutions or authorities competent to solve the respective problems, informing them by the available means of communication (phone, e-mail); Applications for audience sent by e-mail or fax by which, after a preliminary analysis, that are found that address issues beyond the scope of ANCPI or the applicability of this procedure, will be registered in the Register of Audience stating the reasons for which they cannot form the object of the audience their keeping and record being the responsibility of the SRP;
  • The petitioners may request the registration of the audience with the director general or the deputy dDirector general, only if they have good reasons for dissatisfaction with the solutions proposed by the heads of the departments that granted the audience they requested;
  • The persons who received a final answer following the audience granted by the director general or the deputy director general of ANCPI can no longer benefit from another audience for the same object;
  • The persons who received a final answer following the audience granted by the director general or the deputy director general of ANCPI can no longer benefit from another audience for the same object;
  • Requests for registration for the audience, having as object the request for support for the settlement of disputes pending before the courts or in connection with which the court has ruled, will be registered in the Register of audience, and in the section Remarks it will be mentioned that they cannot be the object of granting the audience by the ANCPI management, and the petitioner will be notified about this through the means of communication indicated in the content of the application (e-mail, telephone); Observații se va menționa că acestea nu pot face obiectul activității de acordare a audiențelor de către conducerea ANCPI, petentul urmând a fi anunţat despre aceasta prin intermediul mijloacelor de comunicare indicate în conținutul cererii (e-mail, telefon);
  • Persons who have submitted petitions to ANCPI can not apply for audience within their legal settlement ;
  • On the occasion of the audience meetings in which they take part, the persons registered for the audience will sign a audience form that should be completed according to Annex 2;
  • If the issues raised can not be clarified during the audience, the applicant will be informed on the possibility of submitting memoranda / petitions / complaints. Documents related to the object of the presented aspects may be attached to these;
  • Copies of the forms filled in on the occasion of granting the audience by the heads of the concerned departments will be handed over to SRP by the care of the persons designated within the respective departments with the application of that procedure;
  • SRP will ensure the elaboration of the periodic situations regarding the activity of granting the audience at the level of ANCPI, based on the data held and the relations made available by the care of the designated persons within the departments that granted the audience;
  • Registrations for the audience are made at least one working day before the date requested for the audience;

Înscrierea în audienţă se poate face LUNI, MARȚI, MIERCURI, JOI  –  8:30 – 16:30, VINERI  –  8:30 – 14:30, la numărul de telefon 021/317.31.62 sau la sediul instituţiei din Splaiul Independenţei nr. 202 A, sector 6, Bucureşti, et.1, camera 19. De asemenea, formularele cererilor de înscriere în audienţă, completate conform modelului anexat, pot fi transmise prin poştă, prin fax: 021/316.52.24 sau prin e-mail la adresa:

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